Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Leave these at the mall...
I know that Christmas just wouldn't be Christmas without the traditional Lizany list of things no one needs to celebrate the holidays.
Topping the list is new grillz.
Don't get me wrong. The dentist is getting a fair share off of me this year for dental care, but that's all enamel.
Enamel, baby, it's still hot after all these years.

2. Realistic military toys.
"Son, you are not watching Sponge Bob because you spent your TV time watching the Iraq updates. No go outside and shoot a squirrel with your semi-automatic hunting rifle."
Plus, is this guy wearing a blue U.N. peacekeeper beret?

3. A square foot of Ireland. Yes, for $49.00 (U.S.) you can own a peice of rural Ireland. Isn't that the perfect gift for your Aunt Murial? You know the one who can't actually afford to go to Ireland.

To be continued ...
20 days 'til Christmas


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