Friday, October 30, 2009

The geometry teacher and I volunteered to play games at the pep rally this Friday. We decided, since we were half the age of the first string football players, we could cheat, and after throwing cones, tackling the other side, and unblindfolding ourselves, we won. Go Gators!

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Believe it or not; this is a turkey cookie.
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Brown sugar baby
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Leave these at the mall...
I know that Christmas just wouldn't be Christmas without the traditional Lizany list of things no one needs to celebrate the holidays.
Topping the list is new grillz.
Don't get me wrong. The dentist is getting a fair share off of me this year for dental care, but that's all enamel.
Enamel, baby, it's still hot after all these years.

2. Realistic military toys.
"Son, you are not watching Sponge Bob because you spent your TV time watching the Iraq updates. No go outside and shoot a squirrel with your semi-automatic hunting rifle."
Plus, is this guy wearing a blue U.N. peacekeeper beret?

3. A square foot of Ireland. Yes, for $49.00 (U.S.) you can own a peice of rural Ireland. Isn't that the perfect gift for your Aunt Murial? You know the one who can't actually afford to go to Ireland.

To be continued ...
20 days 'til Christmas

Traditional Lizany
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Happy Birthday
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Monday, January 22, 2007

News from Haiti

Kim Divine is back in Haiti. They didn't take me this time:( But, they are sending news from my beloved country.

Hello from Haiti!

Things are going well here in Haiti this week and the Lord is surely here with us. Everyone is safe and healthy. The church services have been awesome. The container didn't leave Miami until the day it was supposed to arrive here so it was not here until the day we arrived. It was supposed to be here a week before us and Dr Puzo was to broker it through so we could start unloading and distributing the donations on Tuesday morning - of course you can't open the container when it is out to sea!

We did get it released in a record three days! Three long hard days........ Anyway, it was delivered to the guest house at 4:30 this afternoon and the customs inspector is to come in the morning to break the seal so we can start working on it. Pray that he comes as planned!

The upper room each morning has been great - as usual God put together that perfect team! Exciting things are happening with the Crusades for Christ organization and I can't wait to get home and share the news !!!! Souls are being saved - many are making other decisions and thmere is mighty worship going on in Port au Prince Haiti !!! Please continue to pray for us as we finish out the week and as the next week team comes and finishes out the January mission. See you all soon.

Monday, January 08, 2007

It isn't exactly how I wanted to get in the Wall Street Journal, but it is a start.

My picture is in the paper today with an article about Capessa, the California outfit that interviewed me and local artist, Yolantha Pace, about our stories. Her story, of course, is so inspiring it makes me want to cry and mine is about how I quit smoking.

Capessa produced the videos for Yahoo's health section, and they are done so well. Interviewing a journalist is like pulling a dentist's tooth, so I just want to extend a thank you to the Capessa folks.

Next time I'm in the Wall Street Journal, I'll have a byline, video credit or photo credit, ya here me up there?

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

These are strange Christmas items made from produce at the stand in Port Sulphur, La.

Cucumber Santa

Kumquat angel

My favorite words in the whole world: Satsumas are here.

It's citrus season in Louisiana. The grove was out back. Florida back off because this fruit is goo-hood. The only thing better than this was the five pounds of crawfish and three pounds of shrimp my brother Jason and I ate in Belle Chasse at Salvo's Seafood and Deli.
My brown suga nephew, Zach, wearing his camo cowboy hat.
My sister, Khaki, acts like herself.
Q: What's wrong with this picture? A: Is it (a) that my niece Shelby is sitting on her cousin or (b) that Katie is enjoying it so much?

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Amber Scott, a Lexington native, comes back from California to interview Lizany about why she doesn't smoke anymore.

Cub Scouts perform a play they wrote themselves. I took a few editorial liberties with the snoring and slow-mo.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Thanks for voting, folks.

Please check out my election night videos at